Love and Other Drugs -- Just got finished watching this amazing movie with Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhal. <3 It has THE most romantic ending...I love it, it has some scenes of nudity but it is definitely the best "chick-flick" I have seen in awhile. Texting the guy your interested in the whole time helps add to the romantic feel too, so by the end I was bawling my eyes out!
( I also watched The Last Song today, in french though, and I must say...that was QUITE the tearjerker too... :( )
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
saint raymond!
So I am now officially in Quebec! Yay!
My flight schedule last night:
Leave my home town at 5:35PM ( delayed until 5:50PM )
Arrive in Montreal at 6:30PM QUEBEC time ( got it closer to seven )
FOUR hour layover in Montreal
Montreal to Quebec at 10:30PM ( delayed until 10:40PM then didn't get off the runway until after eleven )
Land in Quebec at midnight or so.
Did not get to St Raymond until a little after one.
I am so excited to be yeah but extremely nervous also! Luckily I haven't had too many problems with my french yet but...I have only been her one day. Haha. No, actually I have understood almost everything that Line (Rebecca's mum) has said and the times I haven't all I just have to say what and she repeats it in a way that I do understand. It's quite simple really. So far, I am loving it here. Since Rebecca has exams this coming week we haven't been able to go anywhere, education first! But this Wednesday we are going to the pool! And later this week we will be going to the Quebec Winter Carnival, with all the ice sculptures! Which I am beyond excited for! So other than that not much has happened! I haven't left the house all day and for the last five hours me and Line have watched movies! In french...surprisingly I am following along quite well. :P Right now we are watching Clash of the Titans which is...interesting? I am not sure it is a very bizare movie. Not something I would usually watch but what the hell! It's for my french!
Since I really have nothing else to blog about I am going to do an "In and Out" post. I was kind of inspired when I was flying last night, however this will probably be very short as I am not quite sure how to correctly do one of these kind of post..
Flying (or travelling in general) -- I absolutely ADORE flying, I am not sure why but it is like a high for me [haha, it's a high, and ya know in airplanes your up in the air, "high" in the air! hahaha, get it...? no...?] I love taking off and watching how the cars turn into little ants so quickly, and going through the clouds, and watching the sunset above the clouds... I just love flying and I adore travelling as well!
Mayday Parade -- I know this one is a bit random but I, surprisingly, have not listened to much of their music before but I recently downloaded two of their albums and I LOVE their music! So addictive!
New Cities -- The joy of being in a brand new city is great! Even if they do not speak my first language! I am very excited to go out and explore a brand new city, or well, I suppose I should be saying town. :P
Long Layovers -- Now usually this would be a major out but my layover in Montreal gave me the time to get to know the students flying with me a lot better and we had some really funny moments! It was awesome just hanging out with them, annoying everyone around us. Let's just say do NOT laugh at foreigners walking in the airport, listening to their iPod, talking 100 miles an hour to THEMSELVES. one was around her...I got the DIRTIEST look EVER! Haha. :P
Alexa Davalos -- I know this one is even more random but isn't she gorgeous! She is in Clash of the Titans and she is really beautiful!
ELECTIC BLANKETS -- They are just awesome...
Boys and Mixed Signals -- This one really speaks for explanation requires. Not even sure if this belongs her because was this ever really in?
I can't really think of anything else the is "out". That's a good thing right? :) I am really happy now that I am in quebec! Yaaay.
Au revoir! ;)
My flight schedule last night:
Leave my home town at 5:35PM ( delayed until 5:50PM )
Arrive in Montreal at 6:30PM QUEBEC time ( got it closer to seven )
FOUR hour layover in Montreal
Montreal to Quebec at 10:30PM ( delayed until 10:40PM then didn't get off the runway until after eleven )
Land in Quebec at midnight or so.
Did not get to St Raymond until a little after one.
I am so excited to be yeah but extremely nervous also! Luckily I haven't had too many problems with my french yet but...I have only been her one day. Haha. No, actually I have understood almost everything that Line (Rebecca's mum) has said and the times I haven't all I just have to say what and she repeats it in a way that I do understand. It's quite simple really. So far, I am loving it here. Since Rebecca has exams this coming week we haven't been able to go anywhere, education first! But this Wednesday we are going to the pool! And later this week we will be going to the Quebec Winter Carnival, with all the ice sculptures! Which I am beyond excited for! So other than that not much has happened! I haven't left the house all day and for the last five hours me and Line have watched movies! In french...surprisingly I am following along quite well. :P Right now we are watching Clash of the Titans which is...interesting? I am not sure it is a very bizare movie. Not something I would usually watch but what the hell! It's for my french!
Since I really have nothing else to blog about I am going to do an "In and Out" post. I was kind of inspired when I was flying last night, however this will probably be very short as I am not quite sure how to correctly do one of these kind of post..
Flying (or travelling in general) -- I absolutely ADORE flying, I am not sure why but it is like a high for me [haha, it's a high, and ya know in airplanes your up in the air, "high" in the air! hahaha, get it...? no...?] I love taking off and watching how the cars turn into little ants so quickly, and going through the clouds, and watching the sunset above the clouds... I just love flying and I adore travelling as well!
Mayday Parade -- I know this one is a bit random but I, surprisingly, have not listened to much of their music before but I recently downloaded two of their albums and I LOVE their music! So addictive!
New Cities -- The joy of being in a brand new city is great! Even if they do not speak my first language! I am very excited to go out and explore a brand new city, or well, I suppose I should be saying town. :P
Long Layovers -- Now usually this would be a major out but my layover in Montreal gave me the time to get to know the students flying with me a lot better and we had some really funny moments! It was awesome just hanging out with them, annoying everyone around us. Let's just say do NOT laugh at foreigners walking in the airport, listening to their iPod, talking 100 miles an hour to THEMSELVES. one was around her...I got the DIRTIEST look EVER! Haha. :P
Alexa Davalos -- I know this one is even more random but isn't she gorgeous! She is in Clash of the Titans and she is really beautiful!
ELECTIC BLANKETS -- They are just awesome...
Boys and Mixed Signals -- This one really speaks for explanation requires. Not even sure if this belongs her because was this ever really in?
I can't really think of anything else the is "out". That's a good thing right? :) I am really happy now that I am in quebec! Yaaay.
Au revoir! ;)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
So my last post was about hoe I turn to music when I need inspiration or am feeling any emotion what so ever but what I also rely on is quotes. Quotes make my life too. ;) Quotes are just something I can't explain. I have millions of books full of quotes but last night I found that on they also have quotes! So me, being me, jumped at the chance and quickly made a little photo of a bunch of quotes I found were inspiring!

The first big quote is kind of confusing so I will write them all out. :)
This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often, if you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't have enough time, stop watching tv. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop. They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop over analyzing, life is simple. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, apperciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. Aome opportunities only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them. So go out and start creating. Live your dream, and wear your passion. Life is short.
Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on sunglasses, cause we were born this way, bitch! -Lady Gaga
Beauty is not defined by the size of your jeans.
Regret nothing. At some point, it was what you wanted.
Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.
-young dreamer

The first big quote is kind of confusing so I will write them all out. :)
This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often, if you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't have enough time, stop watching tv. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop. They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop over analyzing, life is simple. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, apperciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. Aome opportunities only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them. So go out and start creating. Live your dream, and wear your passion. Life is short.
Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on sunglasses, cause we were born this way, bitch! -Lady Gaga
Beauty is not defined by the size of your jeans.
Regret nothing. At some point, it was what you wanted.
Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.
-young dreamer
Monday, January 24, 2011
risk. then risk some more.
So today I am just going to share the lyrics to a song. Whenever I am feeling sad, lonely, angry, happy, regretful, you name it, I go to music for my comfort! I know a lot of people do this and it really is one of the best remedies as far as I am concerned. That being said it is really no surprise that I have a few songs that describe my feelings to a T. This song is one of them, it basically described how I want to live my life and how I feel about life in general. I have most likely talked about this song before on this blog of mine because if someone asks me what the most inspirational song ever was (in my opinion) I would definitely, without a single doubt, name this song even though I know hundreds of other inspirational songs! The song I am talking about is Risk by Paul Brandt:
I’d rather stand on the edge of a cliff
And hang my toes over a bit,
And then jump when they dare me,
Even if it scares me and I get hurt.
I’d rather build my wings on the way down,
Do my best not to fall to the ground
and than laugh at my mistakes
‘cause there only lessons I’ll learn
I’d rather burn with desire deep in my soul,
And love like a fire that’s out of control, and laugh and dance and hope
and chance and kiss
I’d rather live my whole life
with a sense of abandon,
Squeeze every drop out,
no matter what happens.
And not wonder what I've missed
I’d rather risk.
Well I guess I could just play it safe
and forget about love, hope and faith,
with my eye on the shore line,
keeping my boat tied and staying home,
ohhh but I’ll never discover new land
by keeping my feet on the sand
No I’d rather set sail
and get carried away by the storm.
I’d rather burn with desire deep in my soul,
And love like a fire that’s out of control, and laugh and dance and hope
and chance and kiss
I’d rather live my whole life
with a sense of abandon,
Squeeze every drop out,
no matter what happens.
And not wonder what I've missed
I’d rather risk.
I would rather risk
I’d rather burn with desire deep in my soul,
And love like a fire that’s out of control,
I’d live my whole life
with a sense of abandon,
Squeeze every drop out
no matter what happens.
And not wonder what I've missed
Oh I just can’t resist,
The chance to risk
Ohhh live, and love and laugh and dance and fall and chance and kiss
I’d rather risk (x6)
I cannot gush about this song enough! I love it! Paul Brandt says it perfectly. Whenever I am faced with a decision, it's true I would rather risk! Yes, it may be scary, hell, it might be down right terrifying. But "I’d rather build my wings on the way down, Do my best not to fall to the ground and than laugh at my mistakes ‘cause there only lessons I’ll learn". I would rather face that fear and jump into the unknown than stand around on the standlines and watch other people taking chances while I myself am too scared. Even if it is scary, and bloody hell, it most likely will be, I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I didn't do it. How would you live with the what-ifs? What if I had auditioned for that show? What if I had performed? What if I did do what I had always dreamed of? What if? What if? Where would I be now? Yes, you may fail, but that comes with the risk. You have to be willing to take that chance. What is the worst that will happen if you do fail? You might be a little bruised? A little tougher? A bit more ready to go out there and jump on the next chance that comes around? You can't let the thought of failing at something stop you from doing what you want most. What is that quote, "Don't let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game"? It is true! It is everything that I just said condenses into a line!
I do not want to be that woman who wakes up when she is older and regrets. Who thinks of what could have been. If you pass up an oppurtunity at your dreams then that is what's going to happen! It could be the day after, a week later, it might not be until years later, but I can assure that it will happen. Your minds will always wonder. And if you want it enough, you will take that risk while it is right in front of you. You will.
"Well I guess I could just play it safe
and forget about love, hope and faith,
with my eye on the shore line,
keeping my boat tied and staying home,
ohhh but I’ll never discover new land
by keeping my feet on the sand
No I’d rather set sail
and get carried away by the storm."
You could play it safe, but that is not me. I am not comfortable with watching my dreams pass me by. You could say I am stubborn and stupid or you could call me determined. Hey, it's probably a little of both if we aren't going to lie. But that's alright because like the song says, you will never discover new land by keeping your feet on the sand. No you can't semi-try and live your dreams, you can't put 50% of your effort into it. These are your dreams, your biggest ambitions. No, if you want these to come true you have to put 150% of yourself into it.
"I’d rather burn with desire deep in my soul,
And love like a fire that’s out of control, and laugh and dance and hope
and chance and kiss
I’d rather live my whole life
with a sense of abandon,
Squeeze every drop out,
no matter what happens.
And not wonder what I've missed
I’d rather risk.
I would rather risk"
I would rather, live my life crazily, doing everything I can, jumping at every chance I can than one day wonder what I might have missed out on. A big example of this in my life right now would be Quebec. It's scary I won't lie. I am only 15 and I am moving away from home for the first time. Granted it is nothing permenant, it is only three months. But I am throwing myself into a brand new culture, full of people I don't know, people I may not understand, for the experience. It is scary and it's a big risk but I am taking it. Because if I hadn't I would regret it, I may have regretted it the moment the deadline passed or I may have regretted it two years down the road. But I know that regret would have crept up on me, slowly, quickly, I know it would get to me. And I know that I would wonder, what if? What if I had done the exchange? Who would I have met? Would I met my new best friend? How much would my french have improved? What would it have been like to experience a brand new culture?
And that my friends, that little thought at the back of your head wondering what if, that is scarier than any risk I know of.
I’d rather stand on the edge of a cliff
And hang my toes over a bit,
And then jump when they dare me,
Even if it scares me and I get hurt.
I’d rather build my wings on the way down,
Do my best not to fall to the ground
and than laugh at my mistakes
‘cause there only lessons I’ll learn
I’d rather burn with desire deep in my soul,
And love like a fire that’s out of control, and laugh and dance and hope
and chance and kiss
I’d rather live my whole life
with a sense of abandon,
Squeeze every drop out,
no matter what happens.
And not wonder what I've missed
I’d rather risk.
Well I guess I could just play it safe
and forget about love, hope and faith,
with my eye on the shore line,
keeping my boat tied and staying home,
ohhh but I’ll never discover new land
by keeping my feet on the sand
No I’d rather set sail
and get carried away by the storm.
I’d rather burn with desire deep in my soul,
And love like a fire that’s out of control, and laugh and dance and hope
and chance and kiss
I’d rather live my whole life
with a sense of abandon,
Squeeze every drop out,
no matter what happens.
And not wonder what I've missed
I’d rather risk.
I would rather risk
I’d rather burn with desire deep in my soul,
And love like a fire that’s out of control,
I’d live my whole life
with a sense of abandon,
Squeeze every drop out
no matter what happens.
And not wonder what I've missed
Oh I just can’t resist,
The chance to risk
Ohhh live, and love and laugh and dance and fall and chance and kiss
I’d rather risk (x6)
I cannot gush about this song enough! I love it! Paul Brandt says it perfectly. Whenever I am faced with a decision, it's true I would rather risk! Yes, it may be scary, hell, it might be down right terrifying. But "I’d rather build my wings on the way down, Do my best not to fall to the ground and than laugh at my mistakes ‘cause there only lessons I’ll learn". I would rather face that fear and jump into the unknown than stand around on the standlines and watch other people taking chances while I myself am too scared. Even if it is scary, and bloody hell, it most likely will be, I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I didn't do it. How would you live with the what-ifs? What if I had auditioned for that show? What if I had performed? What if I did do what I had always dreamed of? What if? What if? Where would I be now? Yes, you may fail, but that comes with the risk. You have to be willing to take that chance. What is the worst that will happen if you do fail? You might be a little bruised? A little tougher? A bit more ready to go out there and jump on the next chance that comes around? You can't let the thought of failing at something stop you from doing what you want most. What is that quote, "Don't let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game"? It is true! It is everything that I just said condenses into a line!
I do not want to be that woman who wakes up when she is older and regrets. Who thinks of what could have been. If you pass up an oppurtunity at your dreams then that is what's going to happen! It could be the day after, a week later, it might not be until years later, but I can assure that it will happen. Your minds will always wonder. And if you want it enough, you will take that risk while it is right in front of you. You will.
"Well I guess I could just play it safe
and forget about love, hope and faith,
with my eye on the shore line,
keeping my boat tied and staying home,
ohhh but I’ll never discover new land
by keeping my feet on the sand
No I’d rather set sail
and get carried away by the storm."
You could play it safe, but that is not me. I am not comfortable with watching my dreams pass me by. You could say I am stubborn and stupid or you could call me determined. Hey, it's probably a little of both if we aren't going to lie. But that's alright because like the song says, you will never discover new land by keeping your feet on the sand. No you can't semi-try and live your dreams, you can't put 50% of your effort into it. These are your dreams, your biggest ambitions. No, if you want these to come true you have to put 150% of yourself into it.
"I’d rather burn with desire deep in my soul,
And love like a fire that’s out of control, and laugh and dance and hope
and chance and kiss
I’d rather live my whole life
with a sense of abandon,
Squeeze every drop out,
no matter what happens.
And not wonder what I've missed
I’d rather risk.
I would rather risk"
I would rather, live my life crazily, doing everything I can, jumping at every chance I can than one day wonder what I might have missed out on. A big example of this in my life right now would be Quebec. It's scary I won't lie. I am only 15 and I am moving away from home for the first time. Granted it is nothing permenant, it is only three months. But I am throwing myself into a brand new culture, full of people I don't know, people I may not understand, for the experience. It is scary and it's a big risk but I am taking it. Because if I hadn't I would regret it, I may have regretted it the moment the deadline passed or I may have regretted it two years down the road. But I know that regret would have crept up on me, slowly, quickly, I know it would get to me. And I know that I would wonder, what if? What if I had done the exchange? Who would I have met? Would I met my new best friend? How much would my french have improved? What would it have been like to experience a brand new culture?
And that my friends, that little thought at the back of your head wondering what if, that is scarier than any risk I know of.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
i think about you in the summertime whoa oh.
Haha, I hope that I will be able to forgive myself for making that NKOTB reference for the title...honestly it was the first thing that popped into my mind...
Now that I have a laptop (it's like my child now I love it so much..) I am able to post pictures and something that I have been missing a LOT lately is travelling. It sounds funny since I am going away in SIX DAYS (that's right baby, S-I-X) but I have been finding that I am missing Vegas and BC more than ever! I find myself even planning for my trip to Italy next year a lot more than I have to right now. :P And I am even looking into a trip to Scotland and Ireland for myself after graduation, which isn't for another 2 years!
This was of the flight out there! The drastic border between the clouds and the blue sky was beautiful! I think I have about five or seven more pictures like this because I just could not get over how beautiful it looked...
Siggh, the Rockies from the plane!
I miss sitting on the rocky beach called Mill Bay with a tims in my hand and my dad by my side.
The view was breath taking each and every single night.

I miss it so much...sigh, that is all I can take for one night, I don't even want to think of the scenery from the island or all the lights from vegas...that will be next post no doubt.
Now that I have a laptop (it's like my child now I love it so much..) I am able to post pictures and something that I have been missing a LOT lately is travelling. It sounds funny since I am going away in SIX DAYS (that's right baby, S-I-X) but I have been finding that I am missing Vegas and BC more than ever! I find myself even planning for my trip to Italy next year a lot more than I have to right now. :P And I am even looking into a trip to Scotland and Ireland for myself after graduation, which isn't for another 2 years!
This was of the flight out there! The drastic border between the clouds and the blue sky was beautiful! I think I have about five or seven more pictures like this because I just could not get over how beautiful it looked...
Siggh, the Rockies from the plane!
I miss sitting on the rocky beach called Mill Bay with a tims in my hand and my dad by my side.
The view was breath taking each and every single night.
I miss it so much...sigh, that is all I can take for one night, I don't even want to think of the scenery from the island or all the lights from vegas...that will be next post no doubt.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
pretty, pretty please. dont you ever, ever feel. that youre less than fucking perfect.
This title comes from P!nk's new song, "Fuckin' Perfect". It. Is. My. New. Obsession! Her unrated video for this song is...unbelieveable. The first time I watched it I ended up in tears, it was about something that hits so close to home that I just couldn't hold my selff together...
Anyways...I did not start writing this post just get all sad. :P
What I am writing this post about is that...I AM LEAVING FOR QUEBEC IN ONE WEEK...I am so excited that I cannot believe it! I remember when it was seventy days away and now it is down to seven days I am getting so excited. I have a nice big list of everything that I am planning on bringing and I am barelt containing myself from packing my bags right now! Actually I wanted to pack my bags about two months ago but I am actually holding out until around next friday, the day before I leave. That doesn't mean that I won't have my clothes folded up right next to my suitcase by tomorrow night. ;)
Okay that's it I can't help myself I gotta go sort out outfits now! I am WAY to excitable!!! This just shows how much I cannot wait to get out of my house!
Anyways...I did not start writing this post just get all sad. :P
What I am writing this post about is that...I AM LEAVING FOR QUEBEC IN ONE WEEK...I am so excited that I cannot believe it! I remember when it was seventy days away and now it is down to seven days I am getting so excited. I have a nice big list of everything that I am planning on bringing and I am barelt containing myself from packing my bags right now! Actually I wanted to pack my bags about two months ago but I am actually holding out until around next friday, the day before I leave. That doesn't mean that I won't have my clothes folded up right next to my suitcase by tomorrow night. ;)
Okay that's it I can't help myself I gotta go sort out outfits now! I am WAY to excitable!!! This just shows how much I cannot wait to get out of my house!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Ready to spread my wings and fly...
I leave for Quebec in eleven days.
Eleven days. That is so close to single digits I can barely comprehend it...after waiting for months and months for this day to come, now that it is here I am beyond myself.
I am so immensely happy now that I cannot even describe it. I am thinking that this "break" will be exactly what I need to calm down, access my situation at home from afar and then make an appropriate decision. This really is what I need, especially right now.
One bad thing that has happened, besides my exams next that Air Canada now only allows one bag per person...each extra bag is an extra twenty canadian dollars, both ways. Say what? Now I am not a "girly-girl" by any means but I do happen to like my clothes. And considering that I am going to be in this town for three months we are going to be lucky if I can squeeze all of my clothes, makeup, shoes and winter clothes into only two suitcases. Yup, that will be a's going to be a challenge in its self. Well now I need to go to sleep and then wake up and study, study, study my butt off!!! I wish myself luck. My exams are in less than a week, one a day, Monday to Thursday.
Eleven days. That is so close to single digits I can barely comprehend it...after waiting for months and months for this day to come, now that it is here I am beyond myself.
I am so immensely happy now that I cannot even describe it. I am thinking that this "break" will be exactly what I need to calm down, access my situation at home from afar and then make an appropriate decision. This really is what I need, especially right now.
One bad thing that has happened, besides my exams next that Air Canada now only allows one bag per person...each extra bag is an extra twenty canadian dollars, both ways. Say what? Now I am not a "girly-girl" by any means but I do happen to like my clothes. And considering that I am going to be in this town for three months we are going to be lucky if I can squeeze all of my clothes, makeup, shoes and winter clothes into only two suitcases. Yup, that will be a's going to be a challenge in its self. Well now I need to go to sleep and then wake up and study, study, study my butt off!!! I wish myself luck. My exams are in less than a week, one a day, Monday to Thursday.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
It is here where she must begin to tell her story...
So recently I went to indigo and I picked up these two notebooks that I love! I picked then up the second and I have already wrote a fair bit in the first one, the thing that makes these notebooks stand out for me is the quotes! I live for quotes, I love them especially when one fits my situation perfectly. I write quotes all over my notebooks, in and out, so I love how these notebooks already have quotes on them! Plus the are gorgeous. They are by the Monique Duval and you can buy them at indigo and inside the books it says a website I haven't been there but it might be good.
So the first notebook is a teal with brown binding. On the cover it has these green flower shapes, there's a bicycle on the top half and then there is a tag with the quote "first it begins inside your heart. Something moves. Then opens. Then frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking its long silence. This is going to be good." I love this quote because it is the feeling everytime a new inspiration hits and I get the time to start writing it down...I love it. Each notebook has a quote on the back of the front cover too, it remains the same and it says "This is a place for dream words, love words, made up words, flying words, fall down and get back up words. Get to know the sounds of your own inner voice. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold." isn't that inspiring??? Everytime I read it I get chills. It is just something that I feel I should read each day so I can do it. It just reminds me to write and to write what I would like to write. Then on the back cover it says the title ogf this post "It is here where she must begin to tell her story." I love this quote because, while I don't admit it, it helps me to get things of my chest and writing is a way to do it without appearing weak to my family and friends. So is this blog! But beware. My story is awfully big...
The differences about my second notebook is that it is olive green with brown dots and brown binding and a tag that says "she's turning her life into something sacred: Each breath a new birth. Each moment, a new chance. She bows her head, gathers her dreams from a pure, deep stream and stretched her arms towards the sky. It also has a vine of cherry blossoms running down the cover. The reason I like this quote is very deep and long so I am actually going to save that for my next post! :)
So the first notebook is a teal with brown binding. On the cover it has these green flower shapes, there's a bicycle on the top half and then there is a tag with the quote "first it begins inside your heart. Something moves. Then opens. Then frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking its long silence. This is going to be good." I love this quote because it is the feeling everytime a new inspiration hits and I get the time to start writing it down...I love it. Each notebook has a quote on the back of the front cover too, it remains the same and it says "This is a place for dream words, love words, made up words, flying words, fall down and get back up words. Get to know the sounds of your own inner voice. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold." isn't that inspiring??? Everytime I read it I get chills. It is just something that I feel I should read each day so I can do it. It just reminds me to write and to write what I would like to write. Then on the back cover it says the title ogf this post "It is here where she must begin to tell her story." I love this quote because, while I don't admit it, it helps me to get things of my chest and writing is a way to do it without appearing weak to my family and friends. So is this blog! But beware. My story is awfully big...
The differences about my second notebook is that it is olive green with brown dots and brown binding and a tag that says "she's turning her life into something sacred: Each breath a new birth. Each moment, a new chance. She bows her head, gathers her dreams from a pure, deep stream and stretched her arms towards the sky. It also has a vine of cherry blossoms running down the cover. The reason I like this quote is very deep and long so I am actually going to save that for my next post! :)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
The New Year; Twenty Eleven; Two Thousand Eleven; Two Zero One One!
Whatever you wish to call it, the year IS here! My last couple of posts have been all about my wishing the year to a close so you could say I am quite happy it has seen its end. This shall be relatively short because my iPod is being super slow and my last post was quite long! This is just a quick Happy 2011 post! We are into a new decade! Which is all about new beginnings and hey, maybe even new boys????? You never know! :)
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