Kay so, twice in a row, woo, but onto way more important things...DEGRASSI. :
I know I am a little late on this, but I JUST watched the promo for the final week (this week) and now I'm glad that I did wait because if I had watched that any earlier I think I would have absolutely DIED. Okay, that was a long sentence with a lot of connecting words...but only one thing is running hrough my mind right now as I continue hyperventilating and shaking; ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!
So maybe my addiction with this show is unhealthy but add on the fact that in the promo Eli gets a KNIFE drawn on him in a deserted hallway, with Clare watching, by Fitz it looks like, at least I assume it's Fitz. I mean he definitely has a grudge against Eli with Eli making him the whole fake I.D. with a arsonist name on it and everything. ANYWAYS, I missed tonight's episode too!!!
So basically this is how my past ten minutes have gone:
10:20- Anna was innocently reading her daily dose of FanFiction which happened to be about Eclare when she saw that
floorplanhobo had left an author's note saying:
"... I am extremely amused at the fact that I had this chapter outlined way before the promo for the season finale came out. Are you stealing my ideas, Degrassi? ;)" What? Intrigued Anna realized that she had never watched the Degrassi season finale promo. So Anna decided to hop on over to her beloved YouTube to watch said promo.
10:24- Anna finishes watching said promo and starts hyperventilating, trying to calm down by taking deep breaths and finally when she calms down enough to take deep, calming breaths she realized that her hands were shaking uncontrollably. All I could could make out was Eli, Eli, Eli, NO! Because said promo, ends with Eli against a door, and the guy with the knife, let's just call him Fitz for kicks, well "Fitz" is blocking him. So "Fitz" has Eli backed into a corner!!!! With a knife in his hand! :( :( :( :(
10:26- Anna realizes that she missed tonight's episode of Degrassi and starts flipping out all over again!
10:28- You could find Anna on muchmusic.com to see if they have the episode up yet, which of course they don't!
10:29- You could find Anna sitting on her bed not sure what to do.
And that brings us back to the present...
For some reason this blog has turned into Anna's Favorite T.V. Shows? I don't know but I had to put this up, I just had to rant about this for a little while. Wanna know the saddest part of my life...I WON'T BE ABLE TO SEE TOMORROW'S EPISODE EITHER!!! :(
I am going to Nova Scotia tomorrow, I am leaving at ten o'clock tomorrow! So that means that if they don't have tonight's episode up before 9:15 tomorrow I won't be able to see tonight's OR tomorrow's episode, which will lead to a VERY angry Anna on this trip... It will also lead to an Anna who will be on her laptop at 1:00am when I get home tomorrow watching the new episodes online. *sigh* Degrassi...
Well I think I am going to end this ramble about Degrassi because I have gotten all that I needed to get out and my friend just called me. :) So tomorrow night, or early Wednesday morning I will hopefully put up a new update telling you all about my trip to Nova Scotia, including the FIVE hour car drive! I'll tell you all about it!
Bye for now! Peaceee! xoxo.