Day One - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

So this is the most recent picture I have on my computer! It was the day after I dyed my hair brown (previously it was blonde!) so this was taken on Sunday. Now, how was my day. My day was very good actually, I got a lot done! I went out and bought all of my school books so I have them all organized and ready for school. Which is exactly one week...but that is another matter all together! So yes, I think I had a very good day, I spent the morning and some of the afternoon with my little sister and we actually got along so no complaints there! Then I did my shopping and when I got home me and my dad watched a movie together. Now that I am typing out what I did today it actually doesn't sound as if I did that much, but the books piled high beside my bed beg to differ! I am actually getting a little excited about starting a new school year! It's going to be different classes, I have different hair, a different attiude. This year will definitely be different and I cannot wait if I'm being honest! I will be working very hard this year, I have a very full course! Then I will be moving in January! Oh life, I cannot wait. Well, I guess my ramble about my day turned into a ramble about the future? Eh, the point of this blog was just to give me an outlet to write about the most random things and life. :)
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