Happy September 1st! Can't you just feel school in the air? Ick... Anyways on with the Blog Post Challenge question of the day!
Day 2- A photo of something you ate today.

So this isn't exactly what I ate today, obviously I got this off the internet. But I did eat at Subway today, twice actually. I had Subway for lunch and supper. It was very delicious.
I don't know exactly how I can elaborate on a Turkey and Ham sub...
The reason I had it twice today was because I was out of town, at Magic Mountain with my bestie, and it was just down the highway a little bit. Also, my friend is a vegetarian so there isn't a lot of fast food she can eat!
Alright well, I am burnt to a crisp. I am very tired. I just got home, and I plan on taking a long cold bath then going to bed! I just had to get this up because I promised myself I would finish this Thirty Day Blog Challenge! :)
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