Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.
Man, what is with all this ones that ask for photos! Sheesh.

Haha, joking, those actually are my pets. My little babies, the one in the back is Survivor and I've had him since gosh knows when, almost ten years now! He is truly my little man and had stuck with me through everything, not that he had much of a choice, I mean I do control his food. ;) MUAHAHA.
Ahem...anyways, the black and white one closer to the front is Oreo, I've had this gem for just over a year. She is a lot more hyper then I remember Survivor being, anyways, I love her to death, she is perfect to cuddle with now that Survivor thinks he is too good to cuddle with me. Anyways, I really get into it when I talk about my pets, the truth is, if given the choice, I don't know what animal I would like to keep as a pet. Maybe I might own a lab again, I love labs, I had three growing up but when I moved into the city we had to give them away. I would love to own a horse! To be able to run free, *sigh* I love animals so I'll take one of everything! :)
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