Alright so, I have stuck to this 30 Day Blog Posts thing pretty darn well if I do say so myself, and I do. However, tonight I will be taking a break. Well, not really as I am still posting a post...that desnt make sense, let me re-phrase that, I am still putting up a new post (much better) I am just not following that whole Day 7 : write this. Why not? Well because the topic I should be writing about today dream wedding. Yeah, I don't think that is happening. Again, why not? Well because first off I am 14 bloody years old (15 in 3 months I will add) and I am not the kind of girl who has fantasized about her wedding since she was in diapers. All I know is that it will have to be big because I have a HUGE family (no honestly, I will have 300 people just for my side) and we better go some place damn nice for our honeymoon. I don't know what bloody flowers I want or what my dress will look like so how am I expected to write about my dream wedding? Gosh, some of these topics are just ridiculous.
So now that I have spent an hour saying why I won't be following the 30 Day Blog Post tonight I think it's time for me to start writing about something important, hmmm? This is still me we are talking about though so chances are whatever I write about will not be important. It will just be a long ramble. :)
So I start school tomorrow, *insert groan here*. Now don't get the wrong idea, I actually enjoy school! I am a dork, and I like to learn! I am proud of it too! I just don't want summer to end, summer 2010 has been a memorable one for sure. I got to see the west coast for the very first time, I got to spend time on a private island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, all at the tender age of 14. Insane, right? Now my trip out west wasn't all peachy, there were some...bad moments. All in all however, it was something I will never forget. Rabbit Island was the most amazing place in the world. How did Herb put it, "A little piece of God's heaven." so true, it was amazing. *insert picture that does the island no justice*
^^^^ View from my cabin. ^^^^

Sigh, I miss it. It was wonderful. Middle of the ocean, no way to get anywheres except for boat. It got my creative juices flowing, with a little help from the "locals", meaning the two brothers from another island about 20 minutes away. Anyway, afer Bruce found out that I wanted to be an author me and him traded ideas about a plot. I'm not going to really say anything about it here but hopefully, someday, I will be able to publish it. Sigh, wouldn't that be great? A girl can dream.
Well, I have a lot to do before I go to sleep tonight so, au revior pour maintenant! Je veut ecrire demain!
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