So I didn't update at all this weekend! That is due to the fact that I spent the weekend at my mum's and didn't have my laptop! Boo! Anyways, here I am on a Sunday night and I am going to write the two posts I missed and the post for today right now! I promised myself that I was going to stick to this and I will! I am going to start at the post for Day 4 and work my way up to the post for Day 6!
Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Man, I kind of don't feel right just putting up pictures of my friends without their permission...however I guess I will put up one picture of me and two of my friends from a couple of weeks ago. Warning: We look stupid.

This is what happens when you get me and my friends to try and take a decent picture. Yeah, it doesn't end well. We all look like retards and someone's head is cut off. God...that was a fun night though.
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