Okay so I'm kind of crap with titles...I have no clue what to put while I'm doing the blog challenge. Oh well, it will just be randomness, I don't really care.
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date.
Hmmm, I have to think about this, I'm not going to say dinner and a movie because A- I'm more original then that B- You can't talk during movies so how are you supposed to get to know the person and C- I cannot eat in front of a guy, I wolf everything down on my plate in record time. So, what is my idea of the perfect first date. Well, if I lived in a dream world, it would be fall (kind of chilly, but still able to get away with wearing a cardi), I would be on a date with someone amazing and we would go to a small little cafe. We would order something to drink and just sit there and chat. Afterwards we would go for a walk, maybe in a nice park, just walk around continue talking because neither of us would want to end the night, and since it might be a little chilly it would be an excuse to stay close, maybe cuddle. ;) Eventually he would drop me off at the house, and mayyyyybe he might get a little kiss goodnight. ;)
Okay well that would be my dream date, and it would be with Eli Goldsworthy. However, since he is a fictional character...I don't think that would happen... So my idea of a perfect date that would ACTUALLY happen would probaly be me and some guy and we would go to one of my high school football games. Or maybe a QMJHL game in my town. Some place where we could talk and bond, plus have a good time! I love hockey and football, so I would have fun, plus since it isn't with the amazing Elijah Goldsworthy if things got a little awkward I would have an excuse and could just watch the game! Haha!
So that would be my idea of an amazing first date! Hmm, I'm a hopeless romantic. I would love to have that perfect first date, and I would love to fall in love with a boy who loved me flaws and all. Who would bring me flowers, know the perfect things to say...

Man, I am such a hopeless romantic inside. *sigh* Someday I will fall in love, and hopefully it will be just like it is in books. I doubt it, but you can always dream right?
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