Twice in one day. This is a record am I wrong? I have update back-to-back daily but never twice in one day. Guess this being able to update from my phone is pretty damn helpful. So I had the urge to blog again while I wait but I really am clueless about what to write...set back. Guess I will post more often but the posts will be small and pointless. I guess I will just write down some things that I have written down these past few months and even before. Oh and before I jump into that. Guess what? What you ask? Started writing my own novel, oh yeah. My problem is the beginning; I know where I want to go with it but just not how to start it off. I have writing multiple scenes that I will place throughout the story but I only have about a page that I am not so fond about for the beginning! Anyways I'll shut up.
This is something I wrote...quite awhile ago I think it's still very relevant to my life and I find myself relating to it more and more. "People tell you that in life there are going to be hard choices. They tell us that there are going to be ups and downs but not to worry because these difficult times will make us who we are. Well I would like to tell then that although that all sounds great on paper, in the real world sometimes it can be fucking hard. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it just seems easier to sit down and say "Fuck you, I have had enough right now." Just something I wrote up when I was really mad at the whole world. Reminds me of my favorite saying "How can I be sure that the light at the end of the tunnel isn't just another train?"
Looking back through the books I have kept over the past year I am seeing all of these stories and brainstorms that are really good but I never persued! Why?!? It's so weird I read the brainstorms and suddenly my brain is running. I could do this or that. Make the character do that or have this and then I just want to write! I really need to go back over everything I started but didn't finish and well...FINISH it! New year, new resolutions, new beginnings, new ME. Right? So right here, right now I am going to make my new years resolution to myself;I will write everytime I am bored. Everytime an idea pops in my head I will write down even if it is ridiculous sounding! How am I supposed to get any better if I don't practice, practice, practice and write, write, write! I won't, plain and simple. So this will be my reminder to do just that!
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