So recently a lot of things have been going right in my life and I am very happy! Yay, so because of that I decided to make my post today about five things that have made my happy today. (Not going to lie, I kind of got this idea from the blog
1. Two little words. All I need to see when I sign on to check my e-mail is two words and I will be smiling all day and well on into the next.

Now unless you write you might not be able to understand the feeling when someone takes the time out to review your work (and they have compliments!) and quite frankly, I can't be certain I will be able to explain it. But just someone who takes the time to review, whether it be two words or two paragraphs, always seems to make my day that much better.
2. Scotland

I go throught my phases where I choose a country and then research it to no end. I look at maps of it, look at the little fisherman's towns then go and research those fishermans town. I look at pictures off of Google and tourist sites (I have a huge folder of Scotland pictures on my computer so be happy I just choose three to post) and I research, research, research until I feel that I know the country well enough or move onto my newest faze. Usually these fazes last just for a month, maybe two, but Scotland has been going strong since before Christmas so who knows how long it will last. I love all the aspects of this country and it's rish history. I might do a post later on but does that seem silly seeing as I have never visited there?
3. Travelling and New Places

I love being in a new place where I don't know what is around the corner! Even something as simple as a walk turns out to be a new adventure, you are finding new streets, new stores and I admit I have gotten lost but it's all part of the fun! I cannot wait to spend the next three months exploring this new town, and loving every minute of this lovely experience. And well travelling is always something that brings a smile to my face.
4. Random New Experiences with Friends

Rebecca and I had such a wonderful time that day, the last picture is a glimpse at when we went skidooing (which will be coming soon!) and I was in tears from laughing so hard! It was a great day, we climbed that mountain ourselves and had a wonderful time doing it, the whole way up was spent laughing at each other and creating memories. When we got to the top I was so proud of us both. We had done it, I love the feeling of accomplishing something that at times didn't seem possible because I am telling you, while climbing that mountain at times I wanted to turn back, I wanted to say "No, I give up". My legs were burning, my stomach was churning and my mouth was parched. Yet no matter the pain I was in, I finished it, I climbed those steep hills and made it to the top of the mountain though at times I didn't think I would. The whole time I kept repeating to myself, "It will get easier, just you wait, this will pay off" and it did. The way down was like a walk in the park, the top of the mountain with all the trees covered in snow was beautiful and the sun was making the snow glitter like diamonds. And many memories were made during that experience. That kind of sounds like one big metaphor for life doesn't it?
5. Being Able to Overcome the Challenges in My Life and Experience Things Like This
Kind of speaks for itself so I won't delve to much into it but with all I have been through this year I have came up on top, a little bruised but I am still standing, strong and proud. So I am unbelieveably happy that I made it through it all and am now in a different community, a different province, speaking a different language, happy as can be.