Today was one of those days. We all have them. Those days you wish would just come to an end, the days where one thing happens after another. Well today was one of those days.
Now I am by no means an early riser, no, waking up at 8 or 9 nine every day would be my perfect world, but unfortunately, we all have to wake up early sometimes, regardless if it be for school or work. Now usually, while I do not enjoy being up early it never takes me longer then fifteen minutes to get out of bed. Even on my worst days I am up before then! Today however, I didn't not get out of bed until half an hour after my alarm rang! Half an hour! Now that right there should of been my first clue but no...
So secondly at my courses at school today were anything but fun... :/ I am talking History Level 4, then Math Level 4, Science Level 4 and lasy History again, Level 5 (Five is the highest you can go here). So classes alone would have made me cringe on a good day, let alone on a bad day...
So morning History was fine...I dealt through it. Math was okay, I was allowed to listen to my iPod. Science wasn't too bad, we researched. But afternoon History...oh please...it was like nails on a chalk board times ten. It might of been because it was last class, it might have been because the students in my class, although OLDER than me are as immature as my eight year old sister! Scratch that! My sister is more mature then them! So I won't spend all night complaining but let's put it like this, the teacher, who never does anything severe, she doesn't care if everyone is talking over each other, actually sent two students to the office today. We only had one page to do during our 1h15min class and me, the do-gooder, only got one sentence down! The classroom was so noisy that regardless of how many times I read the text I could not understand what to do! I coudn't think!
So that is why, at seven o'clock you find my curled in a ball, knit-granny-cardigan and sweats on, electric blanket on, in my bed, lights off with a glass of cold water nursing a pounding headache. Not fun. :( There are so many things I would like to do before the night is over but I am so drained from today that I physically cannot, I tried listening to some music to distract me, it made my headache worse. I cannot even keep the light on as it makes my eyes hurt and my head pound... :(
Yes...today was just one of those days.
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