My emotions have just been all over the place and I am so worried about Sarah. She is going through an unbelievably difficult time right now and I just wish there was something more that I could do. I am trying to be there as much as I can but I get so frustrated when there is nothing I can do to help her more. And it is not helping that now the teachers are trying to "help" me by telling me I have to get to class. I was so infuriated with Murch to have the nerve to tell me I don't have to be her "keeper" and by going behind my back to talk to principals. If he only realized that I almost lost it when they told me to go to class as I was comforting my friend. I am sorry but men in their 40's+ do not know how to comfort a teenage girl, especially when they do not know her full back story and family drama. Of course, by the teachers' starting to worry about my grades it sent Sarah into tears that she was doing this to me, apologizing profusely. What no one seems to realize or understand is that this is my option. It is my choice. I have had plenty of opportunities to walk away, to walk back to class but I am not the one who can leave their friend behind when they need help the most. Maybe it is because it has happened to me so many times. But walking back to class, leaving her in the midst of recovery, was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. These adults aren't understanding anything at all regardless of how they try. Getting into someone's face and asking questions while it is happening doesn't help anything. And you know what? I was called out of class less than twenty minutes later because she was having another one. When will they put one and one together? It sickens me that Sarah feels she is imposing on me or asking too much when this happens. I am her best friend and what kind of monster would ignore their friend when they are in need?
The feeling I hate most is frustration. I hate being unable to do something or told that I can not do something. I hate that feeling of restriction and not knowing what to do. Right now, my frustration level is sky high and I feel like I could scream, or punch another wall.
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