Sunday, December 9, 2012

The end of an amazing thing.

Sometimes, there is honestly nothing better than finishing a thousand word essay in one morning. I have been procrastinating writing this essay for Political Science for about three weeks now, even though I knew from the get-go it would be an extremely easy essay, but part of me just kept putting it off...and off...and off. Alas, it is finally done and every student knows that moment where the laptop and books are closed and you just sit there for a moment. Revelling in the completed-ness. Even though there is another project or essay to finish, those few moments of satisfaction are pure bliss.

That's pretty much been my last few weeks: school, swim, eat and sleep in between. Being captain this year was one of my greatest accomplishments, but it sure made me busy. Now that I have finished provincials, I am going to miss the frantic rush around the pool and going to Mark's room every morning before class. We didn't get to compete in out very last relay because one of our girls went home...but I took over thirty seconds off my 400 front crawl. It's still unbelievable. The timers told me my time and I just froze, I had given my everything, there wasn't anything left. I had done everything I could out in the water and I had no regrets. It helped me beat my time; no, it helped me slaughter my time. I am more excited than ever to have these moments commemorated in the form of a tattoo. I haven't been writing anything outside of school lately, but hopefully that will change.

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