Wednesday, March 30, 2011
les devoirs chaque nuit...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Dare to Dream
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit. - Author unknown has a wonderful powerpoint presentation with images that go along to this poem. This is so true and I am hoping I can remember it!
im living my life, you live your's.
Life is not about expecting, hoping and wishing, it's about doing, being and becoming. It's about the choices you've just made, and the ones you're about to make, it's about the things you choose to say - today. It's about what you're going to do after you finish reading this. -Mike Dooley
If you don't have the time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over? -John Wooden
It take two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.
To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.
Just a few quotes that sum up how I feel about some things, and since these ones are pretty serious, here is a funny, but completely true!!, quote from one of the smartest men ever.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. -Albert Einstein
Saturday, March 26, 2011
This week at school was again another killer, surprise surprise! Although the days at school are long and the evenings are filled with homework the weeks somehow always find a way to zoom by! How is that possible!? I am baffled really, but the proof is staring me in the eye. Today marks the eighth Saturday that I have been here which mean only four weeks left, 28 days...crazy. The weeks are flying by, it seems that just yesterday I had six weeks remaining! So although I have piles of homework to do before the weekend comes to an end you will not hear me complaining! I am trying to soak up every last bit of this Quebec experience that I can. I cannot tell you the last time that I sent a text message, probably sometime last week. Early last week, I am trying to distance myself from english and just focus on french, french, french. A litte contradictory considering that I am writing this in ENGLISH but regardless I am trying to do everything in french. I am focusing more on the pronounciation of my words, repeating new words numerously until I can say them right several times in a row.
Other then this experience slowly coming to a close not much has been going on here besides the usual. Of course there is more drama on the home front but I am trying my hardest not to let that affect me. Of course trying is the key word here, I am not going to lie and say that it doesn't affect me, I am not made of stone but by coming here, going away from home, experiencing new things, I have realized a lot of things both about life and about me. I would definitely say this exchange has changed me. I always knew that when the time came that I would out of my house faster then a bat out of hell. I put everything I did behind that, I got the grades so I could and participated in extra-curricular activites all the while holding this resentment and anger towards my family for being the way they are.
My mother was the first one to tell me that you cannot change anything anyone else does, you can only change what you do. At the time I didn't listen to her, I still blamed everyone without making the changes that needed to be made in me. Now I know, I cannot change anything my family does, I can't force them to see anything that they don't want to see. It isn't worth trying and getting hurt over. If they want to change then they, themselves, have to want it.
An example is with an addict, no matter how many people you have go and tell that addict that what they are doing isn't right it won't change anything unless they see with their OWN eyes that it isn't right. We have no control over other people so why do we try to control them? You can only lead a horse to water, you cannot force it to drink.
My mother was also the first one to tell me that other people's actions are their actions, not mine, what they do does not reflect onto me. Again, I was younger and I thought that everyone was ruining my life on purpose. That they did the things they did just to purposely embarrass me. I ignored her again. But now I am coming to the conclusion that she was speaking the truth. What my family does, or doesn't do, does not reflect onto the character of myself. What I do, or do not do, reflects onto the character of myself. Yes I am well aware of the judgmental world we live in, everyone is so quick to assume that if ones family is something, or ones friends' are something, that means the individual themselves are that something. This is not the case. I realize it is hard not to judge someone on what you have heard about them but until you have actually met them, learned their personality, then you have no right to do so.
So yes, I could stay mad at my family for the things they have done in the past, the things they are doing in the present and the things they are sure to do in the future but what would be the point? What would that accomplish besides absolutely draining my energy and creating another hateful individual that this planet really does not need? It wouldn't accomplish anything that's what. This life we are living it is too short to be hateful and judgemental and anything but your true self. I am me, I am not my family, they cannot make me any less imaginative, createful or aspirational by their actions and anyone who fails to see that is leading a very unhappy life and I pity them.
This exchange has taught me many things about myself, it has taught me that I can adapt to a new culture. That I am my own person, not anyone's percieved image of me. And it has taught me that in two years time when the time finally comes for my to spread my wings and fly out into this huge world, to start living on my own and pursue my dreams, I can. Plain and simple, I can.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Another Week Gone
This experience has been such a fullfilling one and I know I am going on as if it is already over, and thankfully that is not the case, but in my head it is slowly coming to a close. I just know that these next few weeks are going to fly by and before I know it my suitcases will be packed and I will be on my way to the airport.
Before this exchange, because of my family life, I was stressed out all the time. I was balancing swim team, student council and school work, striving to be the best in each catergory while living in an unhealthy atmosphere. Getting away for just these small three months has made me realize a lot of things. Yes I can continue to be the best I can be on the swim team, on student council and with my school work but I cannot continue to do so in an atmosphere like the one I was in. It was unhealthy for me, physically and emotionally, and made my life more stressful then it has to be at 15 years old.
I am not sure what this means for when I get back home but that I will figure out when I get there. I am trying to enjoy every minute of the short time I have left and I am trying to absorb as much of this culture as I can.
With spring just around the corner (tomorrow in fact) the snow is slowly melting away to show worn cracked pavement, the birds are chirping, hopping from tree to tree, the days are longer, the days are brighter. It is beautiful outside, warm, sunny. Everything one could ask for on a early spring's day. You can smell spring in the air, the crispness, the freshness. After the long, cold, hard winter Eastern Canada has recieved it feels almost...wishful to be thinking of spring. But the facts are here, the birds are back, the snow is melting, there are people walking about. Spring has come.
My Inspiration for a Rainy Day post this week will be two quotes. Two quotes that relate very much to what I am going through at home and with leaving Quebec. With all the decisions I will be facing very shortly I hope I can choose the right way and that these quotes will give me guidance.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
breathe in, breathe out
Anyways the meaning for this post is inspiration for a rainy day post, now I was unsure what to do this one, I could always use a quote from my Favorite files or pick a picture from my Dream file but this week it has actually been something quite different that has helped me.

Sounds a little odd but although this week has gone fast it has also been hectic and stressful. Not going to go into too many details but everyone here always needs do be doing something and I do not feel that way so when I decline it is automatically the Spanish Inquistition and something is assumed wrong with me! Meditation really helps just calm my nerves, I usually do it for about twenty minutes focusing on my breathing and thinking only positive thoughts. By the end it really helps and I feel much more relaxed and peaceful! Definitely something to remember in a stressful situation.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Which came in this pretty burgandy bag, although I am a little disappointed that it didn't have a pretty emblem on it! Oh well, that's just me...
Since taking these pictures a yesterday afternoon I have had a square of this chocolate bar and I must say that it is delicious!
Alright here we have these little rectangular Cafe-Tasse 9g Belgium chocolates for 2.95$CAN. Starting in the top left corner and going clockwise we have, Noir (min. 60%), Noir The Earl Grey (min. 60%), Noir Orange (min. 60%) and last but not least Extra Noir (min. 77%).
Now I suppose if you do not like dark chocolate then these really aren't the chocolates for you and I must admit I was never a big dark chocolate eater either but after having a little sliver of both the Noir & Noir The Earl Grey I might be hooked! These don't compare in the least to chocolate you can pick up in your local supermarket. Maybe it is the fact that they are imported from Belgium or the gorgeous packaging but the tiny bits I had were delicious! The best part? A little bit of dark chocolate a day is said to be good for your health so go ahead and indulge! It's for your health. ;)
Next is this 50g Walkers' Creamy Toffee in Original for 1.30$CAN (!).
Really, need I elborate? Really!? I also had a square of this (1/6th) and I must say it is heaven. The only words that really came to mind was "Oh my god!". Honestly, THAT good. Although just looking at the "Made with Whole Milk and Butter" makes my jeans feel a little tighter. ;) Surprisingly for the whole bar (50g) it has 240 cal. which isn't the healthiest but that's around the same as your favorite chocolate bar from the supermarket!
This is just a little square of caramel that was only 0.25$CAN (25 cents people!) so I had to buy it just to try! Not sure of the grams amount though...
I also ate this, it seems as if I have eaten EVERYTHING but I swear besides this I only had little sliver of my other treats! I was curious! This was yummy but surprising! I was expecting this to be more of a hard candy but it was actually quite soft!
Here is the last item I bought and I have to be outright about this, I bought this purely because of the packaging! I had no clue what "chocolate con leche" meant until after I got home! (For reference it means milk chocolate in Spanish). Luckily I have no regrets, and with chocolate is there really any way to have regrets? This is also the one thing I haven't tried!
It is imported from Spain and is 18g of Simon Coll chocolate for 1.30$CAN.
This is probably my favorite purchases for the sole reason of the packaging. I love the lettering and all the details in Spanish along with the huge boat that adorn the front! I am a self-confessed sucker for packaging! I tried to capture it on my camera but I am afraid you can't really see how pretty it really is!
Now if you have been attentive and are good at math then you probably would of guessed that I got this lot of chocolate and candies for a shocking 10.60$CAN. Maybe it is just me but I think that is a good deal! And for the quality of the chocolate I am happily surprised! I know this post is extremely long and is ALL about food, or more precisely chocolate and candies, can you tell I have a sweet tooth?
All of this was bought at Les Chocolats Favoris, 32 Rue Begin in Levis Quebec, parking is around back on rue Saint-Thomas. Levis is just across the river from Quebec city and I must say Vieux-Levis is beautiful! You also have a beautiful view of the Chateau Frontenac if you go to the balconies at the top of the hill! :)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
and we lived happily..ever..after

Some excerpts of stories that I have read this past week that fit along these lines are :
' He let out a breath, pulling her tighter; the scent of her skin was just about all he could breath for the moment, and he knew he was shaking a little bit.
"Don' ever let me do this again, girl. 'm stubborn, an' far too ignorant for me own good some days, but don' let me ever again come this close t' losing you, because I won't do it, no' without one hell of a fight." '
- The Midnight Art of Finnigans Table by Nyruserra
HermionexSeamus pairing. The characters belong to JK Rowling and the words belong to "Nyruserra"
' What was supposed to happen was Seamus would spend about an hour getting Hermione better at Quidditch (and considering how terrible she was, that wasn't saying much), and then Ginny and Dead would meet them down on the field for a two-on-two match. But after about thirty minutes they had gotten side-tracked, as they often did, and the next thing he knew Hermione was teaching him how to ice-skate on the lake she had magically frozen, and then they had lost track of time and were 45 minutes past curfew, and Filch was chasing them up the stairs and he had pulled her behind a suit of armor, both of them giggling, and then he had kissed her. And the best part was she kissed him back.
He liked to say the only reason he kissed her that first time was to get her quiet so they wouldn't get caught, but she knew better. Whenever he said this she would just smile to herself quietly and shake her head bemusedly, and the look on her face was so adorable it sent a jolt right to the very core of his being, and it took every ounce of willpower he had to keep himself from kissing her.
The reason why he brought it up so often, though, was because apparently Hermione found the strained look on his face adorable as well, and she couldn't keep herself from kissing him. '
-Library Visits by EccentricallyYours
HermionexSeamus pairing. The characters are by JK Rowling and the words belong to "EccentricallyYours"
' "I love you," Seamus said softly.
This time, when he said it, she smiled. Hermione could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her ears felt a little like they were in a windtunnel…but it was in a good way. And this time, she could say it back. "I love you, too," she replied, tracing her fingertips along the line of his jaw. It was easier that time than it had been before, and Hermione suspected it would keep getting easier. "And I'm not going anywhere-at least not by choice."
"Good," Seamus teased a little shakily. "'Cause damned if I'll let you go again without one hell of a fight." '
-Like a Good Book by Raiya
HermionexSeamus pairing. The characters belong to JK Rowling and the words belong to "Raiya"
So yeah! Obviously I have been loving the Seamus and Hermione ship lately eh? I don't know what it is about it...maybe the adorable Irish accent? Yeah prob...
ANYWAYS, those were just a couple fanfics that I have LOVED this week and I did not write any of these stories! They were written by their respective authors and I have including links to the authors profile and to the story page! Again, I did not write these! Sorry but I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, I just love to share the work of amazing talented authors who have the knack of adding just the right amount of fluff! Who knows...maybe one day I will get brave enough to post some of my own creative writing here...? :/ Oh gosh, even the thought scares me! :P
the nights the lights went out in georgia
So after watching the game I came back home and settled into bed with my laptop and a fuzzy blanket content on spending the rest of the afternoon doing nothing of importance! I did just that too, for about 2.5 hours THEN out of nowheres the power went out! (Hence the ame of this post though I assure you, no one died...neither am I in georgia, I just started singing that song while think of a tittle for this post...) So anyways it was really scary! Here I am sitting in bed, in the BASEMENT and the power goes off! Then it came back on, stayed for a few minutes and then shut back off! This happened once more before it finally stayed off and then I was in pure blackness with only my computer as a light!
Now I wasn't sure why the power had went out so I was planning on staying put until they came back on, I was too scared to start wondering around a house that isn't mine in pitch blackness! Thankfully Line soon came down to rescue me with a candle in her hand. After I found out why the power had gone out (the rain, I wasn't even aware it was storming!) and I was with someone I wasn't too scared anymore. Then Line and I sat at the dining room table and played solitare by candlelight until the lights came back on!
So today was a pretty boring day but I thought that the power going out made it a wee bit exciting enough for a post! Lol...maybe not. However I will a more interesting post up tomorrow for my inspiration for a rainy days series. :)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Random Ramble!
Recently my posts have been all pictures of Quebec and random, trivial things and I find myself kind of missing the writing part of this blog! You know one half of my happiness in life? (The other half being travelling, DUH) Did that even make sense..."one half of my happiness in life"? I don't think it does...damn. Really though, if I am going to be honest, it is so late that I cannot even rack my brain to think of a different way to say what I mean...
En tout cas, (fr-en: anyways) back to this, I miss writing...I really just haven't had anytime what so ever to pick up a pen and just write or go on my computer with the sole purpose of writing! It makes me really sad and sometimes I just get this huge urge to write and this plot comes in my head so I quickly scribble it down in chicken scratch on the closest piece of paper but nine times out of ten that happens at school and when I finally come home I have homework to do and by the time I am done I just want to collapse in bed! Thankfully tomorrow is my last day before March Break (YESSSS) so I am really looking forward to sleeping and writing, I have a whole pile of papers next to my bed of little cute scenes I want to write and one-shots I have been dying to write on FanFiction! Time to tackle that pile! Speaking of FanFiction I really need to update my story on there that I have been neglecting terribly! Poor thing hasn't been updated in almost a month!
Speaking of months, I cannot believe that February is over! It is now March! So crazy, this winter has flown by, this school year has flown by and 2011 has been slying by too. They say that as you get older time goes by faster and everyone at high school talks about how grade 12 just zooms by... If my life is already seeming to go by this quick I don't want to think of what it will be like in a couple of years!
Sigh, nothing we can change, time doesn't stop for anyone right? Just have to roll with it and not let a moment pass you by!