This experience has been such a fullfilling one and I know I am going on as if it is already over, and thankfully that is not the case, but in my head it is slowly coming to a close. I just know that these next few weeks are going to fly by and before I know it my suitcases will be packed and I will be on my way to the airport.
Before this exchange, because of my family life, I was stressed out all the time. I was balancing swim team, student council and school work, striving to be the best in each catergory while living in an unhealthy atmosphere. Getting away for just these small three months has made me realize a lot of things. Yes I can continue to be the best I can be on the swim team, on student council and with my school work but I cannot continue to do so in an atmosphere like the one I was in. It was unhealthy for me, physically and emotionally, and made my life more stressful then it has to be at 15 years old.
I am not sure what this means for when I get back home but that I will figure out when I get there. I am trying to enjoy every minute of the short time I have left and I am trying to absorb as much of this culture as I can.
With spring just around the corner (tomorrow in fact) the snow is slowly melting away to show worn cracked pavement, the birds are chirping, hopping from tree to tree, the days are longer, the days are brighter. It is beautiful outside, warm, sunny. Everything one could ask for on a early spring's day. You can smell spring in the air, the crispness, the freshness. After the long, cold, hard winter Eastern Canada has recieved it feels almost...wishful to be thinking of spring. But the facts are here, the birds are back, the snow is melting, there are people walking about. Spring has come.
My Inspiration for a Rainy Day post this week will be two quotes. Two quotes that relate very much to what I am going through at home and with leaving Quebec. With all the decisions I will be facing very shortly I hope I can choose the right way and that these quotes will give me guidance.

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