Some excerpts of stories that I have read this past week that fit along these lines are :
' He let out a breath, pulling her tighter; the scent of her skin was just about all he could breath for the moment, and he knew he was shaking a little bit.
"Don' ever let me do this again, girl. 'm stubborn, an' far too ignorant for me own good some days, but don' let me ever again come this close t' losing you, because I won't do it, no' without one hell of a fight." '
- The Midnight Art of Finnigans Table by Nyruserra
HermionexSeamus pairing. The characters belong to JK Rowling and the words belong to "Nyruserra" http://www.fanfiction.net/u/650044/Nyruserra)
' What was supposed to happen was Seamus would spend about an hour getting Hermione better at Quidditch (and considering how terrible she was, that wasn't saying much), and then Ginny and Dead would meet them down on the field for a two-on-two match. But after about thirty minutes they had gotten side-tracked, as they often did, and the next thing he knew Hermione was teaching him how to ice-skate on the lake she had magically frozen, and then they had lost track of time and were 45 minutes past curfew, and Filch was chasing them up the stairs and he had pulled her behind a suit of armor, both of them giggling, and then he had kissed her. And the best part was she kissed him back.
He liked to say the only reason he kissed her that first time was to get her quiet so they wouldn't get caught, but she knew better. Whenever he said this she would just smile to herself quietly and shake her head bemusedly, and the look on her face was so adorable it sent a jolt right to the very core of his being, and it took every ounce of willpower he had to keep himself from kissing her.
The reason why he brought it up so often, though, was because apparently Hermione found the strained look on his face adorable as well, and she couldn't keep herself from kissing him. '
-Library Visits by EccentricallyYours
HermionexSeamus pairing. The characters are by JK Rowling and the words belong to "EccentricallyYours" http://www.fanfiction.net/u/409719/EccentricallyYours)
' "I love you," Seamus said softly.
This time, when he said it, she smiled. Hermione could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her ears felt a little like they were in a windtunnel…but it was in a good way. And this time, she could say it back. "I love you, too," she replied, tracing her fingertips along the line of his jaw. It was easier that time than it had been before, and Hermione suspected it would keep getting easier. "And I'm not going anywhere-at least not by choice."
"Good," Seamus teased a little shakily. "'Cause damned if I'll let you go again without one hell of a fight." '
-Like a Good Book by Raiya
HermionexSeamus pairing. The characters belong to JK Rowling and the words belong to "Raiya" http://www.fanfiction.net/u/144726/Raiya)
So yeah! Obviously I have been loving the Seamus and Hermione ship lately eh? I don't know what it is about it...maybe the adorable Irish accent? Yeah prob...
ANYWAYS, those were just a couple fanfics that I have LOVED this week and I did not write any of these stories! They were written by their respective authors and I have including links to the authors profile and to the story page! Again, I did not write these! Sorry but I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, I just love to share the work of amazing talented authors who have the knack of adding just the right amount of fluff! Who knows...maybe one day I will get brave enough to post some of my own creative writing here...? :/ Oh gosh, even the thought scares me! :P
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