Tuesday, May 31, 2011

one month and a half later...

I was so proud of myself for maintaining this blog while I was in Quebec! I got into the hang out it and really tried to update, update, update. Unfortunately the sooner it got time to come home, when all the fun stuff was happening, I slacked off! Well obviously I am back home now, still not ecstatic to be back in between these four walls. I am happy to be back in my hometown and with my friend and my family (some) but I am really confused about some things. I am thinking of moving in with my mum and after recieving some devastating news at the start of this month I really would love to be closer to her. However, if I do decide to move, it is only 10 minutes away by car but it leaves my bus route. My mum lives uptown and the only way I can get to the high school I am attending now is if I take the city bus. This isn't too big of a problem and my school offers eligible students the forementioned bus pass, yet it just seems to be a huge hassle. Considering there is only nine more days left of school for me (+ my exams) I am thinking I will just leave the bus pass issue until the fall and move in with my mother after school ends. Let's hope this plan works! I feel very unwanted here, like I am left out a lot, I can leave and no one notice until I get back. I suppose that might be because I like to hermit in my room a lot but still. I don't want attention but I do want to feel wanted in my "home".

"Home is not where you live but where they understand you."

Besides the home life school like has also been very stressful! Since the end of the year is approaching projects are piling up and the looming due dates are coming closer and closer! I feel that it is no fair that I have the same due dates mostly as all of the other kids who have been here the three months! Frankly I think it is ridiculous! In my English class and PDCP I have more done on my Term Paper and Final Project than half the other students in my class who have had an extra month+! It just seems unfair. However I am going to get those projects done, I am going to do amazing on them and I will show them. At the very least I will have my personal self-satisfaction that I can do that. Life isn't fair, you just have to learn how to roll with the punches!

Lastly I am thinking of creating a new blog, a foodie and excercise one! I won't be abandoning this one in the very least if I do! This will still be my blog for travelling and documenting my average life and I want to keep this blog specifically for that! However I am trying to lose a little bit of the excess fat I have laying over my body and I think a blog will be a perfect place to do that! And it is eco-friendly, I am typing everything up, no putting it down on paper! Now that I have writting this all out I think I am going to, I hope I will be able to maintain two blogs, while maintaing one is hard enough for me! I can do it, just like I can get all my projects done!

Side Note: I just lighted some candles to get a nice atmosphere going on and I burnt my thumb off of the lighter! Oww!! My plans for a cup of tea have now been put on hold and I am off in search of some ice!!

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