This school year has been an incredible one. I have faced so many firsts. I have lost friends and realized who is important to me. I have been through sad times and joyful times. I have lived away from home. I made a life long friend. Looking back on this's unbelievable to think that it all happened within a ten month time frame. All the memories, it's...crazy.
Coming back to school here was, to say the least, hectic. There were times that I just sat down and cried. I didn't know how to do it. How to get all my work done and get the marks I wanted. There were times where I cursed my exchange and wished I never did it because I couldn't see a way for me to end the year on a good note for me. I am an honour student...thinking of a 70% makes me want to curl into a ball and not move for a month. However, now it's over and I wouldn't change a damn thing. I did what I could do. It is impossible to do 3 months of work in 1 month and eventually I came to realize that. I have two more years of high school left, I cannot stress out over one semester in my grade ten year that didn't even include credit courses.
It's over now, I get my marks this Friday and we will see that, I still cringe thinking of the 70's but I am calm enough now to take it in stride and kick ass next year.
For now, it's summer. The time for relaxing with friends and sleeping in when you can, not stressing out over school.
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