I've stopped posted the Picture A Day thing, solely because exams took up all of my time and right now I really need to just blow off steam and cleanse my mind and get a lot off my chest.
My anxiety has been acting up a lot within the last month and some. I thought that when I moved up here I would miraculously get better; in hindsight, that even sounds stupid.
I handled school pretty well. I only had that one really bad breakdown writing my history paper, which I did well on in the end. Then trying to plan for a trip home started and I had one night when I just reverted back to my old self... In fact I've had a few of those nights within the last few months.
Even now, after only writing a paragraph and not even getting to the point, I've calmed down.
The thing is, lately I've become more phobic of answering the phone. Tonight it got to the point where I procrastinated for over an hour, began shaking and tearing up and just had to force myself to do it. It's like that way with emails too sometimes, even if it isn't bad I just can't force myself to read it. A simple message from a friend I'll procrastinate for hours from reading it.
But tonight. I had to ask someone if they could look after my cat. I stuttered and I muttered and I talked in round about ways, generally becoming flustered. He agreed but after getting off the phone I burst into tears.
I began shaking again and I didn't know what to do and I'm just frustrated at myself.
I've also put off a trip to Gatineau and to Bath & Body Works because I'm scared to get lost. Those are little, materialistic things, but I'm literally stopping my life because I'm afraid to get on the wrong bus. I can chalk some of it up to laziness or "I don't want to talk an hour bus drive", but when it comes down to it I'm stopping my life because I'm scared. I've created my own little bubble here and some days I can't force myself to leave.
I don't know what to do. Lord knows I need the best therapist money can buy for all my issues, but at the moment I'm just struggling and hoping it will get better.
I need to remember to risk.
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