Friday, October 10, 2014

No. 1: Travel, Essays and Fall

I've found myself snapping more photos of the world around me lately and thought I would capture them into one blogpost. Life has been hectic lately and I've missed the process of just writing random words down that don't have to pertain to a thesis. Second year has begun and is in full swing after a hectic summer and it feels as if I haven't stopped since last August when I moved up here: I've ran from exams into a job back into school with only a week reprieve. The experiences have been great, but I can feel the stress gnawing away at my edges. Stopping to take a picture and look at how pretty the leaves look over coffee has helped. So here are a few of the sights I've seen over the last two weeks.

It took me three drafts before starting an essay... | I forgot how labour-intensive long nights could be | The happiest sight of all: the last edit

 Ottawa has the strangest weather, it felt like 30C (!) | But the golden-coloured trees are making my late lecture slightly more enjoyable | A cold snap has finally started so it's beginning to feel like fall. Cue plaid and knitted scarves
I had to say goodbye to this little munchkin with yogurt on his nose last weekend... | order to hop on a plane for the East Coast to attend my cousin's wedding, immediately following a midterm, with plenty of delays (read: six hours) | My younger sister and I got on extremely well at said wedding, making wonderful, fond memories
Unfortunately I had to say goodbye to the crisp ocean air far too quickly for my liking: 36 hours isn't enough time | Getting home to an empty fridge also led my to do a MASSIVE grocery shop. My arms were killing me | I absolutely adore snail mail and hop on every chance I can to decorate letters with festive stickers and pop along to the mailbox: Happy Thanksgiving!

And so, that's been my last few weeks mixed in with a few tears, too many late night and a hell of a lot of readings. University's been tough, not going to lie, but I'm making my way through it.

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