Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just Another Pointless Post.

How pathetic is it that my excuse for not writing my essay, which is due Monday, is because I cannot find my pen? In my own defense, it is a really nice pen and if I start writing in a different one it will bug my inner OCD demon to no end until I re-write the whole rough draft over again.
What is with my and these random pointless things? I am just putting off the inevitable by browsing the web and writing this post...
Sigh, time for me to get off my derriere and go find my pen so I can finish the first draft of my paper then move onto studying...
Bye for now.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Time Will Come For Us To Finally Win.

So the title is just random lyrics that I am listening to!

Day 11- What's in your makeup bag?
Alright well, when I am at my house my makeup doesn't go into a bag, it is just in this bin thing! :P But when I do leave my house I usually bring; mascara, eyeliner, lipgloss, the lipstick I am wearing and a coverup. Basically just what I wear that day.

Day 10- A photo of our favorite place to eat.
Alright so I just copy and paste this off of a site and now it is saying "our favorite place to eat"? I think it's time I stop doing this stupid is making NO sense and I don't really get to write a lot about the questions, just little things like a paragraph...

Day 9- A photo of the last item you purchased.
Uhm well the last item I purchased was a muffin and chocolate milk at lunch the other day so I can't really show ya a picture of that...

Okay well I am going to say with it, just 'cause I don't want to fail at this. :P

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Music makes the world go 'round.

Alright, so this is gonna be a quickie. [haha, that's what she said] ANYWAYS, this is just gonna be a quick one paragraoh kind of post because I am dead tired and I still have to get ready for school tomorrow before I go to bed.
So for Day 8 the task is...
Day 8 - A song to match your mood.
Uhm, a song to match my mood, my mood right now is soooo tired! But I suppose that I will go with the whole new school year, new hair, new start kind of feel and say Fifteen-Taylor Swift? Bahaha, that is te only song I know about starting school but that's about your freshman year and I'm in my sophomore! Whatever, I'm tired and cannot think more then that. Some songs that I am really diggin' now is the Punk Goes Pop albums! They are awesome, probably my fav out of all of them is When I Grow up covered by Mayday parade! :D
Anywho, I have to jet, :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Taking a Break!

Alright so, I have stuck to this 30 Day Blog Posts thing pretty darn well if I do say so myself, and I do. However, tonight I will be taking a break. Well, not really as I am still posting a post...that desnt make sense, let me re-phrase that, I am still putting up a new post (much better) I am just not following that whole Day 7 : write this. Why not? Well because the topic I should be writing about today dream wedding. Yeah, I don't think that is happening. Again, why not? Well because first off I am 14 bloody years old (15 in 3 months I will add) and I am not the kind of girl who has fantasized about her wedding since she was in diapers. All I know is that it will have to be big because I have a HUGE family (no honestly, I will have 300 people just for my side) and we better go some place damn nice for our honeymoon. I don't know what bloody flowers I want or what my dress will look like so how am I expected to write about my dream wedding? Gosh, some of these topics are just ridiculous.

So now that I have spent an hour saying why I won't be following the 30 Day Blog Post tonight I think it's time for me to start writing about something important, hmmm? This is still me we are talking about though so chances are whatever I write about will not be important. It will just be a long ramble. :)

So I start school tomorrow, *insert groan here*. Now don't get the wrong idea, I actually enjoy school! I am a dork, and I like to learn! I am proud of it too! I just don't want summer to end, summer 2010 has been a memorable one for sure. I got to see the west coast for the very first time, I got to spend time on a private island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, all at the tender age of 14. Insane, right? Now my trip out west wasn't all peachy, there were some...bad moments. All in all however, it was something I will never forget. Rabbit Island was the most amazing place in the world. How did Herb put it, "A little piece of God's heaven." so true, it was amazing. *insert picture that does the island no justice*^^^^ View from my cabin. ^^^^

Sigh, I miss it. It was wonderful. Middle of the ocean, no way to get anywheres except for boat. It got my creative juices flowing, with a little help from the "locals", meaning the two brothers from another island about 20 minutes away. Anyway, afer Bruce found out that I wanted to be an author me and him traded ideas about a plot. I'm not going to really say anything about it here but hopefully, someday, I will be able to publish it. Sigh, wouldn't that be great? A girl can dream.
Well, I have a lot to do before I go to sleep tonight so, au revior pour maintenant! Je veut ecrire demain!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Last one for the night! Woot.

Finally, I have caught up! Woo. :)

Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.

Man, what is with all this ones that ask for photos! Sheesh.

Haha, joking, those actually are my pets. My little babies, the one in the back is Survivor and I've had him since gosh knows when, almost ten years now! He is truly my little man and had stuck with me through everything, not that he had much of a choice, I mean I do control his food. ;) MUAHAHA.

Ahem...anyways, the black and white one closer to the front is Oreo, I've had this gem for just over a year. She is a lot more hyper then I remember Survivor being, anyways, I love her to death, she is perfect to cuddle with now that Survivor thinks he is too good to cuddle with me. Anyways, I really get into it when I talk about my pets, the truth is, if given the choice, I don't know what animal I would like to keep as a pet. Maybe I might own a lab again, I love labs, I had three growing up but when I moved into the city we had to give them away. I would love to own a horse! To be able to run free, *sigh* I love animals so I'll take one of everything! :)

Another one. :)

Hi again, if you want an explanation for these back to back posts, consult post below. Merci and have a nice day.

Day 5 - A picture of yourself 2 years ago.

Oh god, do I really want to put this on the internet...maybe I should just skip this one... *sigh* I'll do it...

Alright, so that ones not too bad! Sucess! I just look a little odd...and not smiling, but trust me, if you could see the other options you would be cringing, I know I was! I looked so young and weird back then, two years really makes a difference...more then we even realize.

My Apologies!

So I didn't update at all this weekend! That is due to the fact that I spent the weekend at my mum's and didn't have my laptop! Boo! Anyways, here I am on a Sunday night and I am going to write the two posts I missed and the post for today right now! I promised myself that I was going to stick to this and I will! I am going to start at the post for Day 4 and work my way up to the post for Day 6!

Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

Man, I kind of don't feel right just putting up pictures of my friends without their permission...however I guess I will put up one picture of me and two of my friends from a couple of weeks ago. Warning: We look stupid.

This is what happens when you get me and my friends to try and take a decent picture. Yeah, it doesn't end well. We all look like retards and someone's head is cut off. God...that was a fun night though.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

...Hi :)

Okay so I'm kind of crap with titles...I have no clue what to put while I'm doing the blog challenge. Oh well, it will just be randomness, I don't really care.

Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date.

Hmmm, I have to think about this, I'm not going to say dinner and a movie because A- I'm more original then that B- You can't talk during movies so how are you supposed to get to know the person and C- I cannot eat in front of a guy, I wolf everything down on my plate in record time. So, what is my idea of the perfect first date. Well, if I lived in a dream world, it would be fall (kind of chilly, but still able to get away with wearing a cardi), I would be on a date with someone amazing and we would go to a small little cafe. We would order something to drink and just sit there and chat. Afterwards we would go for a walk, maybe in a nice park, just walk around continue talking because neither of us would want to end the night, and since it might be a little chilly it would be an excuse to stay close, maybe cuddle. ;) Eventually he would drop me off at the house, and mayyyyybe he might get a little kiss goodnight. ;)

Okay well that would be my dream date, and it would be with Eli Goldsworthy. However, since he is a fictional character...I don't think that would happen... So my idea of a perfect date that would ACTUALLY happen would probaly be me and some guy and we would go to one of my high school football games. Or maybe a QMJHL game in my town. Some place where we could talk and bond, plus have a good time! I love hockey and football, so I would have fun, plus since it isn't with the amazing Elijah Goldsworthy if things got a little awkward I would have an excuse and could just watch the game! Haha!

So that would be my idea of an amazing first date! Hmm, I'm a hopeless romantic. I would love to have that perfect first date, and I would love to fall in love with a boy who loved me flaws and all. Who would bring me flowers, know the perfect things to say...

Man, I am such a hopeless romantic inside. *sigh* Someday I will fall in love, and hopefully it will be just like it is in books. I doubt it, but you can always dream right?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day Two. :)

Happy September 1st! Can't you just feel school in the air? Ick... Anyways on with the Blog Post Challenge question of the day!

Day 2- A photo of something you ate today.

So this isn't exactly what I ate today, obviously I got this off the internet. But I did eat at Subway today, twice actually. I had Subway for lunch and supper. It was very delicious.
I don't know exactly how I can elaborate on a Turkey and Ham sub...
The reason I had it twice today was because I was out of town, at Magic Mountain with my bestie, and it was just down the highway a little bit. Also, my friend is a vegetarian so there isn't a lot of fast food she can eat!
Alright well, I am burnt to a crisp. I am very tired. I just got home, and I plan on taking a long cold bath then going to bed! I just had to get this up because I promised myself I would finish this Thirty Day Blog Challenge! :)