Thursday, February 24, 2011

inspiration for a rainy day! again!

Hello, I know I haven't posted at all this week! Besides my post about how my Monday sucked royally... Luckily the rest of my week has not been as bad as Monday, just extremely busy! Small miracles! :)

So this post might be influenced by the hectic week I had at school followed by an equally busy weekend! Luckily, this week is a short week for me with only three days! And then my March Break starts! Plus the two extra days off this week, so I have an extra long break to help get me through the next three days at school! Getting back to the meaning of this post...

So I don't know if it is just me but does anyone else imagine curling up in this chair with the gorgeous plaid throw over your legs, a cup of tea in one hand, an interesting book in the other and just unwinding after a long day of school/work, or just a long day!? This past week I have wanted to do nothing more then just that!

I love everything in this picture! Although it is very "white", (not something that I would ever imagine loving this much, sure it's nice to look at but entirely unrealistic!) I feel that the wood piled in the background, the "miss-matchy" plaid cushion and throw along with the "colour" on the mantle and the rustic floor kind of make it work. Maybe it is just me again, but I find myself wanting to recreate this when I get a house of my own! (Fireplaces and a claw foot tub are a must in my book)

Sorry for this post full of wishful thinking and exclamation marks! (I couldn't help myself, I had to add one more...) It's been a long week but I will write another post up tomorrow but for now I am off to lay down in my bed with my electric blanket and a good book and just pretend that I am in this picture...

Monday, February 21, 2011


Today was one of those days. We all have them. Those days you wish would just come to an end, the days where one thing happens after another. Well today was one of those days.

Now I am by no means an early riser, no, waking up at 8 or 9 nine every day would be my perfect world, but unfortunately, we all have to wake up early sometimes, regardless if it be for school or work. Now usually, while I do not enjoy being up early it never takes me longer then fifteen minutes to get out of bed. Even on my worst days I am up before then! Today however, I didn't not get out of bed until half an hour after my alarm rang! Half an hour! Now that right there should of been my first clue but no...

So secondly at my courses at school today were anything but fun... :/ I am talking History Level 4, then Math Level 4, Science Level 4 and lasy History again, Level 5 (Five is the highest you can go here). So classes alone would have made me cringe on a good day, let alone on a bad day...

So morning History was fine...I dealt through it. Math was okay, I was allowed to listen to my iPod. Science wasn't too bad, we researched. But afternoon History...oh was like nails on a chalk board times ten. It might of been because it was last class, it might have been because the students in my class, although OLDER than me are as immature as my eight year old sister! Scratch that! My sister is more mature then them! So I won't spend all night complaining but let's put it like this, the teacher, who never does anything severe, she doesn't care if everyone is talking over each other, actually sent two students to the office today. We only had one page to do during our 1h15min class and me, the do-gooder, only got one sentence down! The classroom was so noisy that regardless of how many times I read the text I could not understand what to do! I coudn't think!

So that is why, at seven o'clock you find my curled in a ball, knit-granny-cardigan and sweats on, electric blanket on, in my bed, lights off with a glass of cold water nursing a pounding headache. Not fun. :( There are so many things I would like to do before the night is over but I am so drained from today that I physically cannot, I tried listening to some music to distract me, it made my headache worse. I cannot even keep the light on as it makes my eyes hurt and my head pound... :( was just one of those days.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

this is my one way street

Welcome to the first addition of Inspirations for a Rainy Day, this beautiful Sunday I choose to include a quote and I love this quote just because it is a little reminder to us all to live in the moment.

This moment is unique, original. It will never happen in the same way again. Be happy with where you are at. Look for beauty in your surrounding. Whether you are drinking your morning coffee and looking out the window at the rising sun, looking into the face of someone you love or standin a top of the frickin' Eiffel tower. Look around you, be mesmerized. Absorb this feeling, remember this feeling.

As hard as it is for me to say this as I am always talking pictures sometimes I have to remind myself to put the camera down, look around with my own eyes, forget about talking pictures so I can look back on them later and remember a visit, a trip, family or friends. Just stop. Look around now, remember everything now.

Every moment of your life is unique, just like you. <3

Saturday, February 19, 2011

inspiration for a rainy day

So while I was checking for new posts and reading over my ever lengthening list of daily must read blogs, I know a tad obsessed but some of them really do update every day... Anyways, I noticed that a lot of blogs have little things that they post weekly, or if not weekly, semi-regularly. Ie: cupcakesandcashmere has her 5 Things, dutchessroz has Happy Hump Day, etc. So me, ever the one to be thinking of ideas to get me posting regularly thought, "Wouldn't it be great if I thought of a cool idea like that!" But never wanted to copy someone I was quickly stumped to think of something that wasn't a complete rip off of my favorite blogs, stumped and for once unimaginative I left the idea to simmer away on my back burner so to speak. Alas, it must be five hours later and here I am! With a, dare I say, brillant idea! At least to me...

It was while I was naming a current album "Inspiration for a Rainy Day" that it hit me! I am always finding images, quotes, song lyrics that inspire me to do something, whether it be the urge to fulfill every moment I have or to write a long original story or to simply dream and decorate in my head my dream house! So I think this little "Inspiration for a Rainy Day" series is just perfect for me and my character. Anything might be listed here, most likely pictures but those pictures could be absolutely anything! Sunsets, gardens, stone bridges, stone castles. Or maybe something as simple and a delicate flower in a field of grass. It could by a picture of a white background with simple black lettering spelling out a quote that moved me that day. Anything at all is what I am trying to tell in case you haven't quite got that.

Now I don't really want to set a fixed day that I will do these types of posts, because you knows when you will get hit with the inspiration bug! In my head I can imagine myself thinking of inspirational things everyday, why I already listed quite a few already! But realistically I do not want my blog to be ONLY about what I am finding inspirational at the moment, not that that is a bad thing it is just that I want my blog to be about everything and anything I want it to be! Whether it be a book I love, something that has gotten under my skin, whatever, I want to feel free to write it here. And I don't have the time to write an inspirational post everyday while also writing 2-3 other posts weekly! Plus I don't want these posts to just be about something that I found pretty, but something that really inspired me. So I love the idea of putting these up sometime during the week, just as a pick me up but...I like the idea of putting them up on the weekend even more. Originally (at the start of this post) I imagined putting them up Saturdays because I thought of this idea on a Saturday! But I think I like the idea of putting them up on a Sunday morning instead.

So Sunday mornings it is! Every Sunday morning expect me to write up a (quick) post about something that had inspired me throughout the week, starting tomorrow I promise!

trees and snow !

So as I said, here is a post of some pictures of Rebecca and I going skidooing! :O
*I was not driving the ski-doo! Rebecca's cousin was! I would nevery do anything as silly/stupid as taking pictures while operating a moving vehicle!*

Look how beautiful the sky looked lined with trees from the path!

Rebecca on this little "thing" attached to the ski-doo! Looked terrifying! She is so brave. ;) Well not really...if you could have heard her squeals of fear while we were driving you would have had tears of laughter just like me!

Again, more scenery pictures, the whole path looked beautiful!

I just really liked how the trees looked covered and surrounded by snow...

Rebecca and I afterwards! With our beautiful hats!

So there it is, I know it's not a lot of pictures but to be honest it is very hard to get nice looking (read: not blurry...) pictures on the back of a ski-doo, not to mention how the ones I did get good photographs of would have probably looked the same placed side by side. One can never take too many pictures of trees and snow right?

Monday, February 14, 2011

remember this feeling

While driving to Quebec on Saturday (I went and saw the parade and festival, so fun! Post soon?) I quickly realized that I have quite a few "obsessions" and I thought it might be a cool idea to dedicate some blog posts to it. Whenever I find something that I love I would write a blogpost about! Dorky, over-done, stupid? Probably but oh well.

So number one will be pretty obvious considering my last post!
1. Scotland
This obsession is still going strong! I can't read enough about the country, all the battles, castles, kings, queens, it's fascinating!

Number two is something I came to realize while walking through town with Rebecca the other day!
2. Spiraling Staircases
Unfortunatley there is a blizzard going on outside so I cannot go and snap a picture of the stairs, so Google Images with have to suffice.

So the stairs in St.Raymond aren't quite as extravagant as the ones in the picture but you get the idea and don't you just love the colourful versions to a classic structure??

Number three was realized driving to her grandmothers house in the country and I must say it has now stemmed to many Google searches!
3. Stone Houses

So, again, a lot more extravagant then St.Raymond but I love this huge, mansion type stone house! It just feels more...romantic maybe then houses now-a-days.

So those are my obsessions at the moment, besides my faithful box of Crunch and Munch...I find it humourous that all three could be tied together into one to make my dream home?? Maybe in another ten years...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

this is going to be good

So recently a lot of things have been going right in my life and I am very happy! Yay, so because of that I decided to make my post today about five things that have made my happy today. (Not going to lie, I kind of got this idea from the blog cupcakesandcashmere!

1. Two little words. All I need to see when I sign on to check my e-mail is two words and I will be smiling all day and well on into the next.

Now unless you write you might not be able to understand the feeling when someone takes the time out to review your work (and they have compliments!) and quite frankly, I can't be certain I will be able to explain it. But just someone who takes the time to review, whether it be two words or two paragraphs, always seems to make my day that much better.

2. Scotland

I go throught my phases where I choose a country and then research it to no end. I look at maps of it, look at the little fisherman's towns then go and research those fishermans town. I look at pictures off of Google and tourist sites (I have a huge folder of Scotland pictures on my computer so be happy I just choose three to post) and I research, research, research until I feel that I know the country well enough or move onto my newest faze. Usually these fazes last just for a month, maybe two, but Scotland has been going strong since before Christmas so who knows how long it will last. I love all the aspects of this country and it's rish history. I might do a post later on but does that seem silly seeing as I have never visited there?

3. Travelling and New Places

I love being in a new place where I don't know what is around the corner! Even something as simple as a walk turns out to be a new adventure, you are finding new streets, new stores and I admit I have gotten lost but it's all part of the fun! I cannot wait to spend the next three months exploring this new town, and loving every minute of this lovely experience. And well travelling is always something that brings a smile to my face.

4. Random New Experiences with Friends

Rebecca and I had such a wonderful time that day, the last picture is a glimpse at when we went skidooing (which will be coming soon!) and I was in tears from laughing so hard! It was a great day, we climbed that mountain ourselves and had a wonderful time doing it, the whole way up was spent laughing at each other and creating memories. When we got to the top I was so proud of us both. We had done it, I love the feeling of accomplishing something that at times didn't seem possible because I am telling you, while climbing that mountain at times I wanted to turn back, I wanted to say "No, I give up". My legs were burning, my stomach was churning and my mouth was parched. Yet no matter the pain I was in, I finished it, I climbed those steep hills and made it to the top of the mountain though at times I didn't think I would. The whole time I kept repeating to myself, "It will get easier, just you wait, this will pay off" and it did. The way down was like a walk in the park, the top of the mountain with all the trees covered in snow was beautiful and the sun was making the snow glitter like diamonds. And many memories were made during that experience. That kind of sounds like one big metaphor for life doesn't it?

5. Being Able to Overcome the Challenges in My Life and Experience Things Like This
Kind of speaks for itself so I won't delve to much into it but with all I have been through this year I have came up on top, a little bruised but I am still standing, strong and proud. So I am unbelieveably happy that I made it through it all and am now in a different community, a different province, speaking a different language, happy as can be.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

winter wonderland

Bienvenue from St-Raymond! Comment ca va? Ca va bien? Bonne, moi aussi!
Haha, I have been having such a wonderful time in St-Raymond! Yesterday Rebecca and I went snowshoeing! Now this was just another adventure for Rebecca who does this quite often but for me it was fascinating! I have been snowshoeing before yes, but it was only once and it was just arond the schoolyard with my gym class! So this forty-five minute trek up a "mountain" was definitely new for me! I saw mountain but it wasn't really, yes it was QUITE steep but not a mountain, though it sometimes felt like one that is for sure!

My snowshoes! Had some trouble getting them on but Rebecca helped me! :D

Me looking very scary with little makeup on but I was so excited to go snowshoeing! It was softly snowing so I was beyond myself, the woods looked fantastic!

Across the street! Everything looks so beautiful covered in white and I love the trees in this picture!

The very famous, Rebecca!

An assortment of pictures from the start of the trail, including one of Rebecca standing near the woods!

Me...after I fell...I had a branch stuck in my snowshoe so Rebecca was yanking on it to get it out and then just watched as I lost my balance and fell...

Best part of me falling down however was that while Rebecca was laughing at me Charlie (the dog) came over and pushed her down!!

Me laughing!

Rebecca and I taking a break!

Big hill we just climbed!

The rest of the hill we had yet to climb...

Us at the top!

And some randoms from the top and on the way down!

My next post will be from us skidooing later that day but right now I am wiped and am off to bed!