Friday, October 14, 2011

my weekend

I love Friday, it's just one of those days when students can breathe a sigh of relief. It's sad how happy I get from a simple two day weekend. On a three to four day weekend...I'm ecstatic. But I will not be unthankful. This week was only four days so it went by kind of quick but it was a pretty tough week... All of my weeks have been tough this year, and I have a feeling that it will only get harder. Hopefully my grade twelve year will be easier but if I will be doing my Bio 12 and depending on how this year goes maybe my Physics and/or Chem 12 too! Those will be my only "hard" courses though...I think...I hope.

Tonight however I will not be doing any homework. I think if it's possible Friday will kind of be my "free" day. Free Friday kind of has a nice ring to it. It is just so nice to finish school on Friday and come home to do nothing of all! Tonight for example so far it looks as if I will be spending the night catching up on more Youtube beauty videos than I would care to's kind of embarrassing I will be the first to admit. I kind of am just in the mood to blog too. I love to put my browsers side by side and blog while I watch some Youtube videos so I might make a couple other posts tonight as well.

This weekend I don't have too much homework surprisingly so that's why I feel as if I can afford to take this little break. I have to do two Physics questions that I didn't finish last night because I was writing my English short story (8 pages later...) then I have a Math sheet to do that's thankfully pretty easy but takes quite long to write out every step. I also need to work on my Math project (one thing I don't really understand is Math projects but considering this one is easier I won't complain!) Lastly I have to do my Law essay, basically a small biography on one of the judges in the Supreme Court of Canada. Writing it out that sounds like a lot...its really not for me though, I mean I don't have any English or Modern History homework! Yaay.

Other then some homework I am hoping to chill out this weekend and take 'er easy. Maybe hang out with Cody or my mum but I really just want to take things very easy this weekend.

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